Based With Brett Craig
Based With Brett Craig
How the Cult of Wokeness Makes Nice People Mean

How the Cult of Wokeness Makes Nice People Mean

And how Jesus faced a similar ideological phenomena and boldly challenged it.

My exchange with ad industry veteran, Cameron Day, demonstrates - once again - how the woke cult makes even decent people cruel towards others and ultimately divides us all. I discuss how Jesus experienced a similar phenomena (to wokeness) and how he confronted hypocritical religious leaders who used their ideology/dogma to gain power over - and even abuse - others.

My video response to Cameron Day telling me “he wholeheartedly believe he spoke for LinkedIn” when he asked me to stop posting about my perspective on wokeness being a cult on LinkedIn.

Cameron Day’s response to my video:

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Based With Brett Craig
Based With Brett Craig
(Formerly The Big Picture With Brett Craig).